Information on resources and initiatives for fulfilling its mission to maintain and improve the health and well-being of Veterans through excellence in health care, social services, education, and research.
In-depth information on conditions, tips for managing symptoms, and steps for recovery.
Useful resources on VA contact information, service locators, claim information, and answers to questions on a wide range of topics relevant for Veterans.
VA’s one-stop shop for online benefits-related tools and information.
VA’s eBenefits site, which links to resources and materials for helping transitioning Service members understand the services available through the VA and the military health system.
Free, confidential support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1. Or you can also use the Veterans Crisis Line online chat.
Information and resources on VA’s Caregiver Support Program. VA’s Caregiver Support Line, 1-855-260-3274, is available 8am-11pm Monday through Friday and Saturday 10:30am-6pm — Eastern. The line serves as a resource for Caregivers and Veterans from all eras, professions, and the general public; provides referrals to local VA Medical Center Caregiver Support Coordinators and VA/community resources; and, offers emotional support.
Information on VA medical benefits and eligibility requirements.
Home for all educational benefits provided by VA with tools and resources to help Veterans pursuing college degrees, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, or non-college degrees programs.
Tools and tips for any Veteran looking for work. Veterans with a VA service-connected disability rating of 10 percent or more may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation and employment services.
Links to Veterans Affairs offices in each state and territory
Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses
To obtain Military records
Latest Information on most benefits. Hot topics. Veteran Service Officer Areas. Gateway to other services
National Veterans Foundation
Disabled American Veterans
National Veterans Organization
Veterans and Military Business Owners Association
National Resource